Program Explanations

You can get my free programs and read about the variables used in them here.

10 min read

black magnifying glass on white and brown marble table

General Recommendations

If you’d like, you can contact me or support my cause by looking here. Feel free to ask me any questions you might, but please check the gym guide & this page first.

Please follow this short how-to to make a copy & use it properly.

For Starters...

Hello & welcome to my gym programs explanation page. I’m Tyler, a knowledgeable bodybuilder / powerlifter, and I want to help you optimize your growth so that you WANT to stay consistently training longer. These programs achieve that goal by ensuring someone is doing everything they can to successfully achieve progressive overload over long periods of time. This increase in strength is indicative of an increase in muscle size, which is the primary goal of these programs for now. Another major aim of these programs is to help someone improve their form quality over time; be sure to watch videos about the form of various exercises online. I would appreciate anyone sending their results or thoughts of this program to me.

Rep Execution

  • Control the eccentric part of each movement closely

  • Try to make the concentric of each rep you do look identical until near failure

Frequency/Routine Choice

The programs on this page offer a massive variety of routines for anyone to use. Someone should pick based on what appeals to them & how many days a week they’re available to train without trouble. If someone chooses a non-weekly routine such as PPLR, as shown on my Int-Adv BB or Calisthenics program(s), you can take an extra rest day occasionally.


Cardio is essential for the improvement of heart health & up regulation of EAT (exercise activity thermogenesis) to increase your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). This can be used to maintain heart health or allow you to eat more food while maintaining a deficit. The best cardio machine is the one that you enjoy most. I've some infrastructure for cardio addition in some of my programs, but I recommend it for everyone.

black magnifying glass on white and brown marble table

Tyler's Beginner to Intermediate Bodybuilding Programs

v4.5 - Program Link


This program gives someone an easy place to track their completed reps over time, various program modifications, and encourages them to pursue progressive overload. This program offers several individual variations of weekly schedules to use; you should pick based on what appeals to you and your availability.

Proper Use

To use this program properly, input the weight that you can use for about 8–12 reps on each exercise near failure (2 RIR). The program adjusts the weight based on the reps you complete over time. It’s better to pick a lighter weight than a heavier one at the start of the routine. It’s entirely normal if you can only use any certain weight for 1 set before needing to reduce it to maintain the rep/intensity goals. Your aim is to continue to do more reps throughout the weeks without training to failure, only near it. You should also aim to improve the quality of your form throughout this program. Please read about Tempo & Form in my gym guide when you can. You should be warming up for at least one set before starting the working set(s) for each exercise. Mark your reps for the first set only after warm-up(s) in the orange boxes each day for each exercise. Feel free to go to the Gym Guide and make another copy of this routine to easily reset it between mesocycles (training blocks). This will also keep you updated with any new versions.


In this program, you should be training two reps away from failure most of the time. This is also referred to as Reps In Reserve or RIR for short. This rule applies to every set. However, in the last week of the program, you’ll go to failure for the first set and then return to 2 RIR. This will help you determine if you’ve been holding out or not on reps ‘in the tank.’ Be sure to rest about 2–5 minutes each set, or until you’re fully recovered!


There are two groups of program modifiers available on this routine. These are training and cardio modifiers. You should only increase ‘Volume Level’ if you aren’t progressively overloading on many exercises throughout a mesocycle/training block. However, it can be a useful tool to alter for just one day if you happen to be short on time. The ‘Acclimation week’ is useful for reducing soreness on the first week of training. The ‘Alternating Leg Days’ toggle allows you to focus on divisions of the legs per session. As for the cardio modifiers: aim to use the same type of cardio machine and settings per machine each session.

Deload Phase

You don't need to read this section until you reach the end of a program. For the final week, please take your first set after warming up to failure. This is to determine if you have been holding back too much throughout the routine.

Then, You can consider taking a 'deload' by reducing the amount of working sets you do and the load to reduce the overall intensity. Deloading allows your central nervous system & bodily fatigue to fully reverse, but they do not need to be used too often. I've included an example deload week for you to use, but if you don’t feel as though you need to deload, you can easily make another copy of the program to restart.



  • Theme change to match website

  • QoL update - cells now gray out when updated throughout the program

  • Added Rep Range modifier

  • Added standard UL 4x


  • Progressive Overload/Deload code improvements

  • Added several new routines variations

  • Added several new exercise options

  • Altered Deload implementation

  • Rebalanced Volume

  • Added new modifiers:

    • New Volume Level: ‘Minimalist’ (don’t expect ideal growth from this option at 2 RIR!)

    • Acclimation Week toggle

    • Cardio Modifiers

    • Biased Leg Days Toggle

black magnifying glass on white and brown marble table

Tyler's Intermediate to Advanced Bodybuilding Program

v6.0 - Program Link


This program is highly in-depth and intended for intermediate to advanced level trainees seeking to elevate their physique progress in the long run. It has a rather extreme potential for individual modification, such as choice of split, exercises, & the order of those exercises. This routine aims to maximize potential for growth from training by personalizing the approach to parameters that fit each individual person.

Proper Use

To use this program properly, you should first select your training parameters (ie. training intensity) with the modifiers on the first page of the sheet, as is described later in this section. Then, following your parameters & exercises, record the reps of each of your first sets after warm-ups in the appropriate cells. It’s entirely normal if you can only use the weight for 1 set before needing to reduce it. Your goal is to continue to do more reps throughout the weeks while maintaining or improving the quality of your form.

The program automatically alters the weight you use in the future based on how many reps you complete. However, machines are finicky & don’t always increase in typical weight increments; you can always delete the code in some weight cells and correct it as needed. Please refer to here about routine selection. You should only need to type/use the orange boxes throughout the routine.


There are a multitude of options to specialize this program to you. The first & most important modifiers are the Weight System, Volume Level, & your Intensity Goal. The Intensity Goal probably shouldn't make sense at first. RIR (Reps in Reserve) designates how close you are to failure, with failure being 0 RIR and anything higher than that being greater than 0. Failure is defined as the inability to complete another ROM repetition. You shouldn't really be taking every set to failure; I recommend using the 2-0 RIR option for most people. 2-0 or 1-0 designates taking the first set to 2 or 1 RIR respectively & all later sets to failure per exercise. On the other hand, the 2, 1, or 0 RIR options represent taking every set to the selected intensity level for every set.


There are a multitude of ways to make this program fit anyone, which isn't something you can find very often online, especially not for free. You can change all the exercises on the Exercise Selection page as needed & also decide which muscle group(s) you want to bias, if any. Biasing a group adds a set to their volume target & also re-orders your exercises to hit the particular muscle when you're least fatigued.

Next up, you have the Manual Set & Rep Ranges Changers. These can be used to add/subtract sets or alter the goal rep range for all the exercises in a given muscle group, as shown below. You should primarily only increase the goal set count if you’re actively not able to progressively overload throughout 2+ weeks, but some initial customization is fine.

To avoid fatigue from extra non-stimulating reps & maximize time efficiency, I generally recommend using lower-end rep ranges. When utilizing higher rep ranges (over 8-12) yet still seeking ideal growth, you should probably add an extra note to train that muscle group to failure as shown above due to greater accumulation of lactic acid & metabolites. If you experience elbow/knee tendonitis, consider trying a higher-end rep goal. Some people & their individual muscle groups may respond differently due to different rep ranges, but people typically find the same growth from 5 to 30 reps. Anyone looking to do something outside what I’ve set up for the program (i.e. lengthened partials, extra forearm training, etc.) should use the Program Notes to record it.

The progression rates change how much weight is added when you reach the top of the rep range in each exercise. The Abs Training should be self-explanatory & is up to personal preference.

Here's how to show any extra optional exercises on the routine(s):

Acclimation Phase

If you’re coming off of a break or are significantly increasing your intensity goal (ie. training nowhere near failure and then suddenly starting to train to failure here), you shouldn't train hard or long for the first week. This will not be an ideal stimulus, but it will give your body a chance to begin to get used to the program (set RBE or the repeated bout effect in action). This essentially looks like a deload phase placed at the start of the program & is called an Acclimation Phase.

Deload Phase

I can't tell you how long your body will last into any certain mesocycle, so you'll just need to consciously keep in mind that, when you truly need a deload, you should absolutely take one. Signs you require a deload include mental/physical fatigue, inability to continue to progressive overload, and inability to get sore. You don’t necessarily even need to ever deload; only do it if you feel that you need to.

Here's how to show any extra optional exercises on the routine(s):

Acclimation Phase

If you’re coming off of a break or are significantly increasing your intensity goal (ie. training nowhere near failure and then suddenly starting to train to failure here), you shouldn't train hard or long for the first week. This will not be an ideal stimulus, but it will give your body a chance to begin to get used to the program (set RBE or the repeated bout effect in action). This essentially looks like a deload phase placed at the start of the program & is called an Acclimation Phase.

Deload Phase

I can't tell you how long your body will last into any certain mesocycle, so you'll just need to consciously keep in mind that, when you truly need a deload, you should absolutely take one. Signs you require a deload include mental/physical fatigue, inability to continue to progressive overload, and inability to get sore. You don’t necessarily even need to ever deload; only do it if you feel that you need to.

Restarting your Routine

Please watch this short video to learn how to easily reset a routine:


  • Theme changed to match website

  • QoL update - cells now gray out when filled throughout the program

  • Revamped volume

  • Implemented:

    • Muscle Group biasing, cardio, acclimation phase, manual set / rep range changer per muscle group

  • Added several new weekly routine options

black magnifying glass on white and brown marble table

Tyler's Beginner to Intermediate Calisthenics Programs

v3.5 - Program Link


This is a calisthenics program based on progressive overload. It highlights the various exercises & options for new exercise options over time. It is specifically intended for anyone seeking great muscle growth yet unable to go to a gym.

There are three main reasons that people struggle to grow with calisthenics in particular:

  1. It is challenging to get near failure

  2. They are not creative enough with their exercise selection or don’t enjoy the selections given

  3. They don’t allow themselves to recover between days and sets

To circumvent these issues, I offer a wide variety of exercises and routine options in this program for people to progress through over time. These allow someone to stay near failure throughout the vast majority of their training, ensuring they are maximizing their growth potential under the conditions given.


In this program, you should be training close to failure every set. You should properly warm up for each exercise and rest at least 1-2 minutes each set or until you’re mostly recovered.

Proper Use

To use this program properly, select the current progression of skills/exercises that you can complete for 6-15 reps near muscular failure. Just be sure to select each option accordingly and update them when you can do more than 15 reps of that variation. Push yourself to do more reps and therefore harder variations as time progresses. Also, read the techniques section of my gym guide for information about making every rep intentional for perfect stimulus. It might be helpful to periodically check for new versions of the program on this doc.


There is just one program modifier available for this program. That is the ‘Volume Level’ and you should only increase it if you seem to not be doing more reps as weeks pass by and never get sore.

black magnifying glass on white and brown marble table

How do you use them?

1. Download Google Sheets & Log in

You'll need a google account.
Links: Apple Store Sheets & Play Store.

2. Make a Copy of the Sheet

Hit 'File' in the top right, and then 'Make a Copy.'

3. Proper use

Click on the drop-downs & edit (most of) the cells with an orange background after making a copy.

4. Read up!

Start with my general recommendations & then dive into the tailored advice for the program you're looking to run.

Now, you'll be able to customize everything you need to maximize your progress.

Enjoy. Feel free to ask any questions you have. I appreciate reviews & hearing about your progress.

black magnifying glass on white and brown marble table